The construction industry is a highly-regarded profession, and of the top institutions we represent will give you all the skills you need to take your place among the leading builders of the industry.
Construction is a large field that encompasses a wide range of different jobs. When studying construction, you can earn a certificate, associate’s degree, bachelor’s degree and even a master’s degree. Construction trades include anything from plumbing to construction site manager. With a degree in construction trade, you can either go into business for yourself, or choose to work for a large company.
If you are planning on pursuing a degree in construction trade, you will need to be proficient in arithmetic. When choosing a college, it is important to ensure that all of these courses are offered.
As a construction trades student, You could find yourself learning how buildings and structures are put together, as well as the guidelines and building requirements that govern the industry. Then put that knowledge to work on actual projects as part of an internship.
Here's just some of the subjects you could explore: